Free training sessions are held for the first month of the program. Each weekend the focus is on the ABC’S of basketball - dribbling, passing, defense, shooting and lay-ups. Free training sessions are held for the first month of the program. Each weekend the focus is on the ABC’S of basketball - dribbling, passing, defense, shooting and lay-ups. Free training sessions are held for the first month of the program. Each weekend the focus is on the ABC’S of basketball - dribbling, passing, defense, shooting and lay-ups. Free training sessions are held for the first month of the program. Each weekend the focus is on the ABC’S of basketball - dribbling, passing, defense, shooting and lay-ups. Free training sessions are held for the first month of the program. Each weekend the focus is on the ABC’S of basketball - dribbling, passing, defense, shooting and lay-ups. Free training sessions are held for the first month of the program. Each weekend the focus is on the ABC’S of basketball - dribbling, passing, defense, shooting and lay-ups.

There are 3 age divisions for kids. No experience is required. League rules mandates that each child that signs up must play in every game in that they attend.
Founded in 1993, the Impact Youth Basketball League is run on a year-round basis, winter and summer. The league is held at P.S. 80 in Queens. Pro uniforms are provided to each participant. Parents are welcome to sign up as volunteer coaches.
• Alpha Division......: Kids 4-7) years old
• Genesis Division..: Kids ages 8-11 years old
• Exodus Division..: Kids ages 12-16 years old
In January, the league holds an annual NBA type draft to form teams. Players play in front of coaches and are then selected onto a team. Each teams will play a 10-12 game schedule and trades are allowed for the first 5 games. Official league games begin the second week of January and culminates with the finals in April.
Every team is guaranteed to make the play-offs and trophies are awarded to the first and second place teams. Other awards given out are... league Most Valuable Players, Mark Reiner’s Sportsmanship and hustle award, and the Most Improved Player award.
...But sometimes, they make memories for us too!
Training sessions are held each Saturday in November and December, generally from 9am-12 noon. The league specializes in teaching the ABC’s of basketball and player development.